Dynamic Research EvaluAtion for Management

python version 2.2

Open source, user-friendly software for evaluating the economic impacts of agricultural research and development projects.

What you need to know

DREAMpy is an open source software for evaluating the economic impacts of agricultural research and development projects. Based on a flexible, multimarket, partial equilibrium model, DREAMpy handles simple to relatively complex evaluation problems using user-friendly Excel worksheets.


Additionally, it also allows users to run sensitivity analysis of critical variables through repeated simulations.

Users can define a range of technology investment, development, and adoption scenarios, and can simulate a range of scenarios for:

  • markets
  • technology adoption
  • research spillover
  • trade policy

Scenarios are described using information for any number of separate country-specific regions, countries, or trading regions. Factors such as taxes, subsidies, growth rates, and price elasticities can be specified as constant or as changing over the analysis period. Users can simulate likely effects of technology development and adoption on prices; on quantities produced, consumed, and traded; and on the flow of economic benefits.


The software also accommodates technology-driven shifts in supply or demand, and users can specify constant or variable shift effects over time in farmers’ fields.

DREAMpy: The Video Introduction

Go through our step-by-step tutorial on the basics of the DREAMpy application..




Getting Started

DREAMpy manual available here

To run DREAMpy follow these 4 steps


Download and unzip DREAMpy folder

  • Download the DREAMpy zip file here
  • Unzip folder and save it in your preferred location


Input your data into DREAMpy

  • Click and open DREAMpy/Data/Input folder
  • Each Excel file in this folder represents a distinct model
  • Select and click the model name that fits your data and open the corresponding Excel file
  • Start inputting your data in each of spreadsheets
  • Save to the same name (current model) or to a new name if it is a new model


Run your DREAMpy simulation

  • In the DREAMpy folder find and open the file DREAMpy.bat
  • DREAMpy will prompt you for the input file location and name
  • Select the file you created in step 2
  • DREAMpy will prompt you for an output folder


Review your results

  • DREAMpy will display the name of your output file created in step 3
  • Open your file and review your results

    reply with " f " when DREAMpy.bat finishes and the output file will be opened directly


Contact us at ifpri-dreampy@cgiar.org


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12 + 11 =


For more information, you can also contact:

Patricia Zambrano

Senior Program Manager

Environment and Production Technology Division

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)


Email: ​ifpri-dreampy@cgiar.org

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